Hana Testnet
The Hana Testnet will be a platform for Taiko users to interact and test out the features within the Hana money market platform.
Why should users participate in the Hana Testnet?
Interact with Taiko Hekla Testnet: The Hana Testnet will provide an easy to use user interface for all users to interact with the Taiko Hekla Testnet. This will be a way to support and battletest both the Taiko Hekla Testnet and Hana Testnet
Earn Hana Testnet Points: We all love points, don't we? Points may be useful when it comes to Mainnet.
How to get started?
Get Holesky Testnet ETH and bridge to Taiko Hekla. See Bridging Guide.
Mint Taiko Testnet Tokens via Hana Faucet.
Last updated